Business Tips 20 Mar, 2024

8 Reasons why you Should Track your Employees

Telecalling Team

It’s substantial to track your employees performance and work becomes a significant part of any business. Most companies are facing a lack of employee work attention and also some legal issues. As we all know, remote work and working from home have become very popular, and yes, it takes a proper eye to determine their productivity. But also remember that sometimes the employees are simply failing to strike a balance between overpromising and under performance. Especially in telecalling the salesperson has to make lots of efforts to convince the customers. And hope you are aware that sales is the most crucial part of any business and calling plays a significant role in it. That is why the difference between employee tracking and employee monitoring is often a point of debate. Many think both are similar. Well, that’s true, but only at some level. Both have an overarching meaning to them. In this post, we will help you to know the 8 most important reasons that will tell you why it’s important for you as an entrepreneur to track your employees. If you belong to the sales field, this post will be worth it for you.

As per the research, employees were 7% more effective when they knew they were being monitored. Moreover, the market for employee monitoring software was estimated to be worth $1.12 billion globally in 2021 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.2% to $2.10 billion by 2030.

Why do you Need to Track your Employees’ Performance? 

It’s crucial to track your employees’ performance. There are lots of employees working in an office; it is very hard for any office to know their work performance manually. Now, you can understand that no one can gauge their productivity or performance. That is why you should use employee performance tracking tools. Performance tracking ensures that employees’ individual goals align with the organisation’s overall objectives. This alignment is critical for achieving collective success and advancing the company’s mission. Tracking your employee’s performance is essential for several reasons, chief among them being the following:

  • Identify daily to monthly productivity levels.
  • Explain areas for improvement.
  • Acknowledge underperformers and top performers.
  • Furthermore, monitoring employee performance aids in:
  • Clear goal-setting.
  • Aligning an Individual’s objectives with the company’s vision.
  • Creating a culture of accountability.
  • Facilitating fair compensation, training opportunities, and career advancement.

Track your employees’ performance for effective workforce management. It empowers organizations to optimize talent, enhance productivity, and create an environment that fosters growth, innovation, and success. Performance tracking contributes to a culture of continuous improvement. It provides the data and insights needed to make informed decisions, implement positive changes, and drive the organization toward excellence.

What is Employee Tracking?

Before starting anything, you must understand that employee tracking includes keeping track of and documenting how much time staff members spend on different projects, activities, and sales calls. 

The process of tracking employees is essential for figuring out how time is spent and where improvements can be made. You can allocate resources more wisely if you use tracking software to track your employees. Because if you belong to the marketing or sales field, it is directly related to your customers.

Here are some shocking statistics you must know before starting anything:

  • About 43% of hourly workers admit to stealing time. These employees might be arriving at work a little after their shift starts, departing early, or abusing the buddy punching practice.
  • Employers lose $50,000 for every employee who neglects to keep track of the time spent replying to emails from clients.
  • The average worker is productive for only two hours and fifty-three minutes a day on average.
  • A worker’s weekly social media usage during work hours amounts to about 13 hours.
  • Approximately 20% of working hours are devoted to critical, urgent tasks.

8 Reasons Why You Should Track Your Employees

It’s essential for you, as an entrepreneur or business owner, to track your employees. For any business, improving their productivity is crucial for better business response and earnings. We all know that employees are the asset of any business, and their performance plays a crucial role in any business’s performance. Tracking software can help in many different ways. Businesses utilize this for a variety of reasons, and they can get a great deal of benefits from using effective tracking software.

No More Micromanagement

Micromanagement is a very serious issue in many businesses and companies, where managers are too meticulous based on this available information. They make every effort to locate an employee, and occasionally, it seems as though they are snooping on their workers. It’s one of the significant reasons to track your employees. 

Consequently, workers in an organization where micromanagement is common lack a great deal of flexibility. With the use of time-tracking software, managers can monitor an employee’s performance remotely and review it at a later time.

Use call monitoring software if you’re concerned that your managers will micromanage the entire work environment.

Real-Time Insights

Real-time insight is crucial for any kind of business, especially when the intent is to track your employees. Access to real-time data allows the business to make on-time adjustments and decisions for the betterment of the business. You can see how resources are allocated and make changes as needed. Also, you can track how much time your employees are giving to you and your business during their working hours. As an employer, you should know how they spend their time on the system because it is crucial for you to keep them focused on tasks and avoid time-wasting activities after noticing their performance.

Increased Productivity

Implementing employee tracking systems allows business owners to monitor and analyze productivity levels in real time, which will directly impact their productivity. That is why it has become crucial for any business to track its employees. Productivity is the main part of business growth, and for business productivity, employees’ work must also be productive.

Through the timely discovery of bottlenecks and inefficiencies made possible by this data-driven approach, a proactive environment for resolving performance issues and streamlining workflow is fostered.


Teams can automatically register hours with staff monitoring software, which gives them payment transparency. When calculating pay, inaccurate calculations will be a thing of the past.

The staff attendance tracker also ensures that everyone on the team follows the same guidelines for recording work hours. Additionally, since an automated system provides visible verification of overtime work, employees can legitimately request overtime reimbursement.

Task Management Flexibility

Through time tracking software, you can easily track your employees because, with the help of tracking software, it’s now very simple to assign tasks and give proper timing to finish the task to every employee. Because a company has a deadline to complete their project work, employees should meet it. Task management has always been a determined job for managers, but tracking software often provides you with this feature to divide the task most sensibly. The division of functions makes the work more accessible and flexible.

Addressing Employee Absenteeism Patterns

One of the major reasons to track your employees attendance is that it helps employers ascertain employee absenteeism patterns (frequent time offs). Then they can ask about the absence if it is for long hours during the working hours.

Employers with access to attendance data can see how many hours workers work each day, how many days they miss, and which days they are late for work. Once they have insights into the absenteeism pattern and low attendance, they can take the appropriate measures to prevent such unanticipated employee absences.

Employers can speak with these workers one-on-one and offer support if they’re juggling family or health concerns to help them fulfil the minimum attendance requirements.

Eliminate Slacking Off

Tracking idle time is one of the best ways to track your employees, and you can discourage slacking off in the workplace. Naturally, a lot of people will first have doubts about how this will function. Nonetheless, it is simple to comprehend the fundamental idea. Employees are less inclined to slack off when they are aware that you are keeping an eye on their idle time. They will be more circumspect about their water cooler conversations or break periods out of fear of being discovered. It is one of the main reasons to track your employees. Time is a very important factor in any business.

Provides Continuous Development Opportunities

Regular performance evaluations are essential to the training and development of employees. It’s a fantastic approach to determining ability gaps and comprehending the advantages and disadvantages of your staff. It will assist you in planning training and development initiatives that are relevant to the needs of your workforce. Employees will be more equipped to adjust to the changing needs of your clients as their skill sets grow. Employee morale is greatly raised by this since workers are now able to further their careers rather than just facing consequences for subpar work. Workers who are given the freedom to succeed are more productive. With the help of tracking, you can know where you are lacking and how you can implement the particular section.

These are eight reasons that will help you know why you should track your employees. Improving the work performance of the employees is very vital, especially for those who are working from home.

What are the Different Types of Employee Tracking?

Depending on the objectives of the company, there are several employee monitoring techniques, each with special advantages and uses. Let’s examine a few of the most popular techniques.

  • Manual Timesheets

This kind of observation focuses on the websites and applications that staff members use while at work. Workers shouldn’t visit potentially dangerous or unrelated websites during work hours. Employers can keep their staff members safe, engaged, and productive in the workplace by monitoring the apps and websites they use. Inappropriate content can be blocked with its assistance, and it protects the business from any legal troubles or security lapses that might result from unethical online behaviour.

  • Apps and Websites Usage

With the help of this, you can track your employees’ websites and apps they utilize while at work. Workers shouldn’t visit potentially dangerous or unrelated websites during work hours. Employers can keep their staff members safe, engaged, and productive in the workplace by monitoring the apps and websites they use. Inappropriate content can be blocked with its assistance, and it protects the business from any legal troubles or security lapses that might result from unethical online behaviour.

  • Systems with Clock-In/Clock-Out

Workers track their work hours using digital devices or time clocks. Numerous industries, including finance, healthcare, sales, etc., can employ this approach. So, as an employer, you can also use this method to track your employees.

  • Desktop and Mobile Time Tracking Apps

Employees can use applications or time-tracking software on their smartphones or tablets to keep track of their work hours, assignments, and projects. They are convenient to use and mobile.

  • Biometric Time Clocks

These systems clock employees in and out using biometric information, such as fingerprints or facial recognition. They offer a great degree of precision and security.

  • Network and Email

Monitoring email and networks entails keeping an eye on all internal email exchanges and network activity. To preserve operational security and guarantee that communication is suitable and task-related, this type of monitoring is essential. It ensures that private information is safeguarded, data leaks are prevented, and firm resources are utilized for business-related objectives. By keeping an eye on email traffic and network activity, businesses can quickly detect and address possible security issues.

  • Tracking Employee Telephone Calls

The use of telephone monitoring is widespread, particularly among employees who interact directly with clients. It records phone conversations, including their duration, frequency, and content. This kind of monitoring is essential for guaranteeing accurate information transferred over calls, providing excellent customer service, and enhancing telecommunication efficiency. It is also utilised for training to enable supervisors to provide feedback based on real-world call exchanges. This type of surveillance must be moderated to respect private discussions and privacy concerns.

  • Employee GPS Tracking

Businesses use employee GPS tracking for field employees. If you have field workers, you can also choose this method to track your employees. GPS tracking entails keeping tabs on workers’ whereabouts to ensure they arrive at their designated work areas and effectively scheduling their travel. It aids in planning logistics, worker safety, and time spent checking at various places. It enhances field operations’ transparency and can be very helpful in the efficient management of mobile workforces.

Essential Features of Employee Monitoring Software for Modern Businesses 

Installing extensive staff monitoring software is becoming a must for businesses. This section will highlight its key features, provide advice on how to utilize it effectively and show how monitoring may lead to higher security, more productivity, and employee trust.

  • Centralized Oversight 

A consolidated dashboard that provides a comprehensive view of personnel activity may prove beneficial for consolidated oversight management. It makes decision-making easier and draws attention to areas for development. Additionally, it encourages transparency in employer-employee relations.

  • Real-time Data Access

Employers can use this information to provide workers with immediate feedback and to act quickly when there is incompetence or a confidentiality breach. It is significant in high-stakes situations where prompt decision-making is essential.

  • Custom Alerts and Thresholds 

Custom notifications help prevent security issues like unusual login times or data access. For example, threshold settings may cause alarms to sound when workers deviate from their usual work schedules.

  • Integration and Compatibility

The employee monitoring software should be able to integrate with the platforms and apps that your company already uses for efficient operations. The high-value addition from this technology investment is a result of optimal integration.

Why Businesses Use Call Tracking Software?

One of the best ways to monitor marketing initiatives aimed at encouraging calls to a firm is through call tracking. It is typically accomplished by associating a phone tracking number with the source of the calls, such as tracking Facebook advertisements, Google ads, offline ads, and newsletters, among other sources.

  • Transcripts that accurately reflect phone conversations, regardless of how long they last.
  • Firmographic information, such as the caller’s employer, the kind of business, and its location.
  • A permanent record of the phone numbers you were called so you can follow up and give them another call.
  • Quantifiable information, such as the company’s prospective value, if they were to become your clients.
  • What time of day do you receive calls, and how many do you answer each day?
  • Which callers go on to become clients?

These are a few of the key reasons why call tracking is effective for so many companies. Although there are other benefits as well, let’s look at the best practices for call tracking.

Potential Productivity Tracking Issues

After reading the above section of this blog, you may be convinced of the reasons why you should track your employees, but you also need to know that it can pressure the employees and impact their work. In this section, we have mentioned some tracking issues.

  • Privacy Concerns

Monitoring productivity frequently invades the privacy of workers. Constant tracking might affect someone’s psychological health by making them feel uneasy and like they’re being observed all the time. It might result in mistrust and low morale, which would eventually impact output.

  • Anxiety and Stress Have Increased

Employee stress and anxiety can rise dramatically when they are under constant observation and pressure to maintain high levels of production. This stress—caused by the worry that one’s worth will only be determined by numbers—can result in burnout and a decline in general job satisfaction.

  • Misinterpretation of Data

Misinterpretation of data-driven metrics and evaluation may cause them to overlook crucial aspects of their work processes. Relying exclusively on quantitative indicators may cause efforts to be misinterpreted, which could have a detrimental impact on judgments about jobs and performance evaluations.

  • Erosion of Trust

The absence of clear and open communication regarding the intent and limitations of tracking can lead to mistrust between employers and employees. Employees who don’t know why they are being tracked may view it as micromanagement or a sign of distrust.

  • Legal & Ethical Issues

There are serious ethical questions around the gathering, storing, and use of data. Workers are concerned about how much data is gathered, how securely it is stored, and how it might be misused. These worries could lead to legal issues that could harm the company’s brand.

Legal Considerations for Employee Monitoring

It’s crucial to think about the legal ramifications before instituting employee monitoring. It involves being aware of the rules governing employment, data protection, and privacy. Employers ought to think about inquiries like these:

  • What degree of surveillance is allowed by law?
  • How can permission from employees be acquired?
  • Exist restrictions on the kinds of information that can be gathered?
  • Respecting legal requirements not only guarantees compliance but also fosters employee trust.
  • And there is a big: Is Employee Monitoring Legal?

We must be aware of this important question that can arise and need to examine the legal aspects of employee tracking.


I hope these posts will help you utilize the software better to track your employees and improve their work performance. Apart from this tracking software, businesses also use many other programs. One of them is call tracking software, which is very famous in the sales market. It is mainly used to track sales calls for their betterment and implementation.

In the end, we must say that your company can gain a lot from using advanced tracking software, including better calling, sales, customer service, and increased efficiency.

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