Technology 06 Mar, 2024

15 Useful Tips to Convince a Customer on a Call

tips to convince a customer

If you belong to the sales industry, I hope you know that dealing with clients is very hectic. As a salesperson, you should know the tips to convince a customer. A company closes deals when customers buy their products and services. Also, you are aware that most customer service communication occurs over calls because you get immediate responses in comparison to email exchanges and other mediums. So, we must say that to persuade people effectively, you must understand how to win them over. However, winning customers is difficult.

No matter how smart, delightful, or persuasive you are, developing a relationship with a prospect to convert them into a customer is tough.

Most salespeople use boring, outdated calling methods, which leave them sounding just like every other salesperson in the world. If you want to get more customers, then you have to do something different from everyone else out there—you have to stand out, be likable, and actively deserve a better return on your invested time. To make your journey easy, here we have mentioned some tips to convince a customer on a call.

Let’s read it out carefully:

Tips to Convince a Customer on a Call

Convincing a customer on a call is a skill not everyone possesses. Have a look at the significant tips to convince a customer on a call- 

Help Your Customers Like You

This is one of the most important tips to convince a customer. It’s a proven fact in sales that clients looking for excellent solutions will collaborate with people they enjoy working with. What steps do you take then to improve your supplier’s likeability? When we assist individuals in crafting compelling proposals, we train them to adopt three specific behaviors:

Prioritize listening over speaking. You will succeed if you have good listening and questioning skills. An effective client presentation ought to resemble a dialogue rather than a sales pitch. It implies that, when making a sales pitch, you must ask insightful questions. Then, paying close attention to what your customer has to say will make them like you even more.

Show interest in your client. It entails demonstrating your genuine interest in the opinions and words of your clients. Your inquisitiveness will help you gain a deeper comprehension of your client’s worldview. You’ll hear, for instance, what they talk about, what language they use, and what’s on their minds. Your customer will like you more if you do this.

Find common ground. Like-minded individuals appeal to all of us. According to the research, we are drawn to individuals with whom we have commonalities. A school, a pastime, acquaintances, previous employment, nationality, or even first name could be the connection. It would be simpler for you to convince people if you could locate that link.

First Time, Point Them in the Right Direction

One of the substantial tips to convince a customer is that you will need to discuss the entire situation with the doctor and nurse when you visit the doctor’s office, and for a medical student, you may need to discuss it a third time.

You never want to have to ask your client to repeat their narrative over and over again when you are on the phone with them since it is tiresome to have to explain the same thing over and over again.

Hearing about their issues again will not only irritate them on its own, but it may also make them feel more frustrated overall.

Make sure your consumers speak with the right person the first time around by avoiding the game of hot potato. It is made possible by tools like auto attendants; consider “Press 1 for new patients, Press 2 for existing patients,” etc.

You will find this to be easier than expected, and the client’s experience will be greatly enhanced.

Analyse Your Strengths and Weakness

It’s time to analyze them now that all the data and knowledge have been gathered. So, allow me to give you a call center tip. In other words, play back the tape of your prior customer support encounter. After that, make use of those recordings and examine and dissect them. Next, make an effort to identify your errors and shortcomings and draw conclusions from them.

Finally, learn to leverage your shortcomings. In the same spirit, recognize your strengths and utilize them to wow your clients; this will work as one of the best tips to convince a customer.

Learn the Right Tone

It’s one of the useful tips to convince a customer.

Even if you use all the appropriate phrases, you won’t close the deal if your voice doesn’t match.

According to a study, at a startling rate of 93%, the tone you use can predict the outcome of a cold call.

Yes, 93% is correct.

It would be unwise to apply the incorrect tone in light of this astounding figure. Please, no monotone here. You must also project confidence.

Your prospects won’t want to make a deal with you if they can tell that you’re bored. Ultimately, why should people be excited if you, the product seller, aren’t able to?

Even if it can be difficult to be enthusiastic all the time, you need to seem confident and approachable in every call. You should come across as confident and powerful, but not overly assertive. Aggression has no place in an effective cold-call strategy.

Sure, you’re hoping to close a deal, but it’s crucial to keep your composure when things aren’t going your way.

Qualify the Customer

Asking a few questions to ascertain whether a potential customer is a good fit for your products or services is known as qualifying the customer. You can determine at this stage in a sales call whether the consumer is interested enough to go on or whether the conversation should end. To address qualifying issues, it can be helpful to consult the ideal customer profile, which defines the market your business wishes to serve with its offering.

Ask a few straightforward questions to qualify the buyer for the remainder of your sales pitch. Don’t take too long or confuse your potential customer with these questions. Consider these factors as tips to convince a customer when brainstorming questions:

  • The customer budgets
  • Customer motivations
  • The goals of the customer
  • Challenges the customer faces

Know Who Not to Convince

Every experienced salesperson knows these two things:

  • Who is their target audience?
  • Who is not their target audience?

These tips to convince a customer will save a lot of time and effort.

This guarantees that you only market your goods or services to individuals who require them.

In the end, selling more will only be possible if you eliminate unrelated leads and concentrate solely on pertinent ones.

Recognize the Difference Between Your Product’s Features and Benefits

Anything that defines a product, such as what it “is” or “does,” is referred to as a feature.

A benefit, on the other hand, highlights a feature or benefit that your buyer will find interesting about the product.

Understanding the distinction between the two enables you to determine when it is crucial to emphasize each of them. It is very helpful when trying to persuade a buyer to buy your product. It’s one of the significant tips to convince a customer.

Be Natural, and Do Not Use Scripts

It is preferable to steer clear of predetermined approaches while attempting to persuade customers over the phone. Customers find the scripted system to be robotic. Rather, concentrate on speaking and listening. Inquire open-endedly to learn about the requirements and problems of your customers.

By going over these important points, you will be ready to respond honestly and spontaneously. If a customer connects emotionally with a consultant, they are more likely to make a purchase. It’s one of the effective tips to convince a customer on call.

Think of Tone on a Spectrum

Take the examples above: “What else can I help you with?” and “Anything else?”

One sounds clearly like it’s going towards bitterness, while the other is still professional yet feels kind. Most of your contacts with customers should take place there.

Positive language facilitates communication and avoids unintentional confrontations brought on by misunderstandings. Words like won’t, can’t, and didn’t—and phrases like “you need to” or “you have to “—are usually interpreted as unfavourable.

Stay away from words that elicit automatic responses, and instead concentrate on how you’re going to solve the issue.

Use Social Proof to Attract Clients

People always have an impact on us. Make sure you mention your other clients’ successes with your product and provide pertinent references to them during the cold calls.

It indicates that your product can help other people with comparable problems. After the call, don’t forget to provide a link to these testimonies. It’s one of the substantial tips to convince a customer on a call.

Tell Them as Much as You Can

If you unexpectedly had to pay more for shipping on an online t-shirt purchase, how would that make you feel?

  • Terms and Conditions: Inform clients of the rules that will be in place when they use your service or make a transaction. Make them clear, concise, and easy to understand. To make it more user-friendly, divide it into different pieces.
  • Privacy Policy: Customers are cautious of their personal information in the digital age, which makes privacy policies crucial. A clearly defined privacy policy will boost client confidence in your business and potentially boost revenue as well.
  • Shipping Policy: Clearly state the shipping rules and make sure there are no additional fees. Indicate if there is also international shipping available. Additionally, it provides free shipping to customers who spend a specific amount on their purchases.
  • FAQ: The majority of clients ask for FAQs to avoid calling for assistance. FAQs simplify both your life and the lives of your customers.

It’s one of the influential and proven tips to convince a customer on a call. Have you tried it?

Cold Call Pointers

Even though potential customers can’t see you, smile.

Although it may sound ridiculous, smiling has an impact on our speech.

This technique is known as “Smile and Dial.” You just smile when you dial, as the name would imply.

According to the research, listeners can tell what kind of smile just by listening to the sound.

Individuals are also able to distinguish vocal intonation between various kinds of grins, in addition to between a smile and a non-smile. It can greatly impact your conversational tone and your voice tone. Your smile is, therefore, heard, even though it may not be seen.

Appeal to the Prospect’s Motivations

“Customers prefer to feel like they are making a purchase, not a sale.” It is one of the significant tips to convince a customer on call.

Before every call, sales representatives should research potential prospects to grasp their profiles better. However, in practice, it’s nearly impossible to comprehend every potential client fully.

If nothing else, you ought to be aware of all the potential difficulties they may be dealing with. Use this information to understand why they are looking for a solution and adjust your pitch appropriately.

These tips to convince the customer will increase the likelihood that they will purchase from you by helping them understand how your goods or services may help them with their business issues.

Buy as Much Time as Possible

During a cold call, you need to hold the prospect’s attention in addition to capturing it. Studies indicate that an extended sales call increases the likelihood of obtaining a demo or follow-up meeting. In actuality, fruitful cold calls, or those that result in a follow-up meeting, usually run about five minutes.

Recall that listening is more important for cold calling than talking. Even though your cold call probably starts as a pitch, it should gradually turn into a dialogue. Allow a prospect to speak uninterrupted once they get going. The likelihood of making the transaction rises if they talk nonstop for four minutes. Businesses use software like Closecall and many others on the market to detect this kind of call for better outcomes. This is one of the pro tips to convince a customer for a better response.

Use the Words they Love to Hear

Not all words are created equal. As laymen, we all know and understand that we always talk with those who say the words we love to hear. The same goes for the sales business customers, who always continue the call if you use your words appropriately and use those words that they like to hear. Customers are more inclined to purchase products when they hear certain compelling terms, such as free, new, and instantaneous. Customers will enjoy their products more than they otherwise would have when they hear these statements (and the implied promises are backed up).

Note: Be accessible: If any of your consumers have questions about your items, they should be able to get in touch with you easily. Because no one likes to wait, and if they find any hassle and delay from your side, they may jump on the other service provider. That is why we suggest that one of the tips to convince a customer is to offer a contact form on your website and respond to messages on social media platforms promptly. These will enable your clients and provide them with a voice to express their recommendations. Gaining insight from their opinions will undoubtedly help you enhance your offering and foster a relationship of trust between your company and its clients.

Why Are Phone Calls Still Important for Business?

Despite the rise of email, messaging, and video conferencing, phone calls will remain a crucial tool for businesses in 2024. Yeah, we know that you are wondering why, so here are some key reasons for that:

Personalisation and Rapport:

Direct Communication: Telephone conversations provide a direct channel to clients, promoting a human rapport and enabling instantaneous communication. Text-based communication often lacks this individualized touch. Direct communication is one of the significant tips to convince a customer.

Building Trust: Salespeople may establish rapport and trust with customers more successfully when they use the human voice, which can transmit emotions and nuances that text cannot.

Recognizing Needs: Salespeople can better understand the wants and worries of their customers by engaging in discussion and active listening. It will allow them to regulate their approach accordingly.

Building Relationships and Brand Loyalty:

Positive Customer Experience: Making a kind and helpful phone call can go a long way toward fostering repeat business and brand loyalty.

Managing Difficult Issues: Because phone calls enable instantaneous problem-solving and clarity, they are a more appropriate method of handling complex issues or concerns.

Showing Dedication: Calling clients shows them that you appreciate their company and are committed to making them happy.

Effectiveness and Velocity:

Resolution Immediately: Especially in cases of urgency, phone conversations frequently result in quicker outcomes than online correspondence.

Information Clarification: Real-time talks reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings, which promotes quicker progress and fewer back-and-forth exchanges.

Finalizing Agreements: Research indicates that in-person interactions are more successful in completing sales than emails, especially when dealing with expensive goods or services.

Additional Benefits:

Accessibility: Customers who may not have dependable internet access or who prefer voice communication can be reached by widely available phones.

Multitasking: While on the phone, customers can multitask, which might increase their receptivity to your message.

Data collection: By offering insightful information about client interactions, call records can help shape future sales tactics and enhance customer support.

Calls aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution, of course. There are circumstances in which email or other forms of communication might be more appropriate. Even so, phone conversations may still be a very effective means of establishing rapport, completing business, and providing first-rate customer care. So, they will continue to be a crucial component of any winning company plan far into 2024 and beyond.

We hope this explanation is good enough to tell you why the call is important for customer conversion. It will help you a lot, and it will work as one of the useful tips to convince a customer. Phone calls are important, along with tracking the calls. You can integrate call-tracking software into your business for healthy results.

Challenges in Convincing a Customer on Call

Besides knowing tips to convince a customer on call, it’s essential to understand the challenges in the pathway of convincing. While phone calls remain a powerful tool, convincing customers in 2024 presents unique challenges. Here are some key hurdles to anticipate:

Increased Customer Scepticism:

Information Overload: consumers are more cynical and resistant to sales presentations because they are constantly inundated with marketing communications. Developing trust and making a name for yourself is more important than offering solutions right away.

Increased Price Sensitivity: Customers are more cost-conscious due to inflationary pressures and economic uncertainty. To support your offers, focus on emphasizing value and return on investment.

Growth of Comparison Shopping: Due to the abundance of options available online, consumers are increasingly inclined to search around before making a purchase. Be ready to explain your value proposition and respond to offerings from competitors.

Preferences for Communication Can Change:

Preference for Communicating via Digital Means: Younger generations communicate via text or video conference rather than over the phone. Provide options, and modify your strategy to fit their preferred method.

Shorter Attention Spans: instantaneous information is accustomed to people. Focus on resolving their urgent requirements and pain areas during your brief conversation.

Multitasking while on the Phone: Callers may be balancing other responsibilities. For your message to stay in their minds, make it interesting and clear.

Technology Challenges:

Call Fatigue and Spam Filters: Consumers who receive a lot of unsolicited calls may experience call fatigue and use spam filters more frequently. To prevent getting blocked, make sure your calls are pertinent and individualized.

Technical Difficulties: A bad call could be caused by poor call quality, dropped connections, or background noise that ruins the conversation. Make sure the call is clear, and try to avoid any interruptions.

Data Privacy Concerns: Consumers are becoming more aware of data privacy. Adhere to data security protocols and be open and honest about how you use their personal information.

Other Difficulties:

Highlighted Rivalry: Because of the saturation of the online market, it is more challenging to stand out. Create a distinctive selling proposition and successfully target a particular clientele.

Changing Needs of Customers: Expectations and needs of customers are ever-evolving. To stay current, get feedback frequently, and modify your sales strategy.

Sustaining an Optimistic Outlook: It might be demoralizing to encounter resistance and rejection. Develop your resilience and keep a cheerful, businesslike attitude during the call.

Recall that these obstacles are surmountable with the appropriate approaches and perspectives. You may still be successful in persuading clients over the phone in 2024 if you concentrate on developing trust, providing value, and adjusting to shifting customer preferences.


In the end, we must say that the customer needs time to consider, schedule a follow-up call, or provide additional information via email. Consistent follow-up demonstrates your commitment and interest in their business.

Remember, successful persuasion is about building a relationship, understanding the customer’s perspective, and offering a solution that genuinely meets their needs. Adapt these tips to convince a customer; they are also based on your specific industry, products, services, and your customers’ individual preferences.

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