Business Call 14 Jun, 2023

Are Unanswered Calls Harmful To the ROI of the Business?

Unanswered calls

Customer calls, also known as inbound calls, play a pivotal role in the success of the business organization, as they present the business with a direct opportunity to generate sales, enhance brand image and solve customer queries; indeed, an ideal package for customer satisfaction. Customers often expect easy and prompt solutions while connecting with any organisation. If such calls are ignored, repercussions on sales, overall ROI, and brand image are likely to occur. Unanswered calls are not only dissatisfactory but also undermine their loyalty and trust in the brand. And unlike satisfactory inbound calls, unanswered calls lead to negative word-of-mouth, lost sales, and decreased customer retention, all of which can significantly drag a company to its bottom line. Companies can achieve their sales and marketing goals by recognising the importance of inbound calls and their advantages. Let’s read more about unanswered calls, their major causes, ways to prevent them, and more. 

Unanswered Calls: An Introduction

Imagine connecting with a company to know about its product and services or to resolve some queries, only to have your call go unanswered. And this disappointment will have you reconsider your loyalty and ties with the company. When customers feel unimportant, they look for a better alternative and ultimately serve ties with the company. A single unanswered call can tarnish your brand reputation in an unrepairable manner, and such reckless scenarios are experienced by countless customers who then step back, which leads to a significant drop in sales count. Such drops heavily impact the revenue of the business and cause heavy losses. As we have already explained how unanswered calls can have negative consequences on sales and overall ROI.

Moreover, the negative consequences of every unanswered call leave businesses in extremely unrecoverable losses. But why not lay out certain measures and techniques to prevent such occurrences? We will discuss major causes and ways to prevent the number of unanswered calls, and finally, we will put forward effective software for your business. Let’s start. 

Five Major Causes of Unanswered Calls

There are several causes that can lead to unanswered inbound calls, but we have put significant emphasis on five major causes. 

  1. Inadequate Management Process: Poor or unmanaged call-handling processes contribute to the high number of unanswered calls. If there is a poor routing system, calls might be lost or end up connecting with the wrong department, resulting in customer frustration and dissatisfaction. 
  1. A large Number of Calls: If your department receives a large number of calls and your installed resources aren’t enough, then your number of unanswered calls will likely increase. For example, limited phone lines and insufficient staffing can make it challenging for your department to take a high number of calls. 
  1. Staffing Issues: Ineffective or insufficient employee allocation can also spike the number of unanswered calls. With inadequate staff comes loads of unattended work. If there are limited staff members, many calls will be left unattended and completely ignored. 
  1. Technical Issues: Technical connections are indeed a major component in managing inbound and outbound calls. Technical issues can prevent or cause many outbound calls to be missed. This unintentional cause can cost companies heavy losses along with a bad brand image. 
  2. Untrained Employees: Any organization that doesn’t invest in training their employees will have to later spend more on covering their tarnished image. Untrained employees fail to manage and even transfer necessary information to the customer. 

It is very important for the organization to address these causes while implementing a proper management system; an organization can clearly prevent the number of unanswered calls.

Five Ways Organisations Can Boost Their Sales

With major causes come effective solutions through which the organization can prevent the number of unanswered calls and also prevent the negative impact of ROI and sales. We have listed for you five effective ways:

  1. Efficient Call Queuing and Routing: Implementing an efficient call queuing and routing system that holds or directs calls to the desired department or agent, depending on the query, skills, history, and language, is indeed effective. This system helps guide the customer in effective and required manners rather than making them feel unimportant and frustrated. 
  2. Employee Training and Staffing: Another way through which the organisation can prevent the number of unanswered calls is to make sure that every department has educated the number of employees to manage the task. Organisations must also make sure that every employee is trained and has proper knowledge about all the functions and technology in the system. 
  3. Proper Technical Tools: Make sure that every department has proper functioning technical tools like customer relationship management, interactive voice response, call analytic platform, and more. CRM system provides the system with customer data to create personalised conversations. IVR system1, on the other hand, guides customers through the proper route and department. 
  4. Proactive Customer Communication: When an organisation implants reactive communication strategies in their system, every agent and department is supplied with all the essential information related to the customers, so the queries are solved even before they arrive. This system records calls and also informs the agent about any appointments or missed calls. 
  5. Feedback: Sometimes, employees lack motivation or a sense of improvement, which results in a high number of unanswered calls. That’s why organisations should implant feedback systems. It helps in knowing customer requirements, employee improvement points, weaknesses, and more. This information helps every business organisation to improve their overall system and working. 

How Introducing CloseCall Can Be Beneficial?

When business organizations introduce Closecall, a powerful call-tracking software, into the system, they are opening themselves to a number of significant advantages. By actively monitoring and recording every call, Closecall helps organizations in generating detailed insight that can greatly benefit their sales and marketing performance. With this software, organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of customer inquiries, agent replies, call times, call duration, and every other small and major information. Armed with the insights provided by Closecall, you can optimize your staffing levels, streamline call routing strategies, and deliver targeted training to your customer service representatives. It ultimately leads to reduced wait times, increased first-call resolution rates, and improved overall customer satisfaction. Moreover, the data generated by Closecall empowers you to refine your marketing campaigns, tailor your system to customer requirements, and make decisions that drive revenue growth and boost your sales.

Introducing Closecall to your system unlocks the major advantage of preventing the high number of unanswered calls and completely modifying your customer service methods. The ability to track, analyse, and record every single call enables the business to allocate adequate staff members, employee training, allocate adequate resources, and more. With this software, the organization is also able to recognize the key point where their staff members are lacking, what effective script they need, and provide motivation to work better. One of the noteworthy points associated with the system is that it can be installed into any system, be it iOS or Android; it is also extremely easy to operate and manage.


Unanswered calls are like weaklings to the organization; they quietly harm the revenue of the system and cause major losses. And there are many disadvantages associated with ignored or missed unanswered calls. Why suffer those consequences when you can prevent them? Start by managing your system, knowing your employees, their skills, technical tools, and management. If these are in place, you are generating major profits. Another thing is to introduce Closecall to your system, a modern call-tracking system that records, analyses, and creates detailed insight for you. 

Read our Article: Call Tracking System: Introduction, Importance & Factors to Consider

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