Technology 07 Jul, 2023

How to Track Employee Call Logs Effortlessly In 2023?

How to Track Employee Call Logs Effortlessly In 2023?

Tracking employee call logs has emerged as a modern-day practice followed by most organizations, regardless of their nature and size. In order to track and examine the performance of the team members and boost their productivity, employers are consistently using various employee call monitoring tools. You might be thinking that the trend of monitoring and analyzing the employee call logs came into existence during the COVID-19 pandemic as employees were performing their tasks from home. However, the reality is that several companies have adopted the trend before the onset of the pandemic and work from home trend.

As employees look out for transparency in the organization and want their efforts to be noticed by their superiors and bosses, they have no problem getting monitored. They feel comfortable when their performances are being evaluated, and it increases the chance of getting recognition.

In the post-pandemic scenario, work-from-home culture is widely accepted by corporate houses and startups. Also, it’s a known fact that monitoring the performance of employees can play a significant role in sowing the seeds of trust in the heart of employees. To give wings to the remote working system in organizations, the proper utilization of smart call management software for tracking employee call logs is the need of the hour.

 Employee Call Logs: An Introduction

Employee call logs are all about a proper record or log of phone calls made as well as received by employees performing their job in the organization. These in-depth reports entail information such as time, date, duration, and details about the persons involved in the call. Employers prefer to maintain such reports in order to keep track of employee communication for quality assurance, compliance, or training objectives.

Significant Benefits of Employee Call Tracking and Monitoring

Irrespective of the features, nature & size of the firm, call tracking & monitoring app and software gives a holistic overview of the performances of the employees and their efficiency in all the projects they are engrossed in.

The key benefits of employee call tracking and monitoring are classified under three heads-

Benefits of Employee Call Tracking and Monitoring

Call Monitoring Benefits for the Organization

Making an investment in a robust smart call monitoring system is not a bad idea. It strengthens the entire ecosystem of the company. The four significant benefits of call monitoring and tracking employee call logs are mentioned below-

Call Monitoring Benefits for the Organization

5X your Business Revenue: Call monitoring and tracking are the techniques through which problems and roadblocks in the growth of the business can be identified, and eventually, the appropriate solutions can be provided accordingly. Managers can spot the areas where the sales representative needs to work on and bring improvement in their sales techniques.

Reduction in Employee Turnover: It provides managers with in-depth insights into the set of strengths as well as weaknesses of the employees. By providing constructive feedback and individualized mentoring to employees, managers can contribute to the betterment of employees and make them evolve as highly productive resources. The likelihood of turnover can be reduced by recognizing as well as appreciating the efforts of the employees and making them familiar with their self-worth.

Slash Operational Costs: It gives the supervisors and managers the authority to conduct a proper review of recorded calls and analyze the performance of calling agents in the organization. By ascertaining the areas that require improvement, companies can improve the quality of customer interactions and boost the efficiency of calling executives, leading to reduced call handling times and fewer all transfers and thereby ensuring a reduction in operational costs.

Deliver the Best Customer Service Experience: By proceeding with the surveillance of call logs of the employees, you can bring the skills, expertise, and performance of the resources into the light. After analyzing the performance metrics, employers can route genuine customer calls to the most productive employees. The intent is to provide customers with prompt solutions and timely responses. One of the significant benefits of call monitoring for the organization is that it can deliver the best customer service experience and win the heart of customers.

Builds Goodwill: By meeting the vital requirements of the customers and helping them with the timely delivery of products and services, organizations can build goodwill among the customers. The efficient monitoring and tracking of employee call logs will be helpful in determining where the agents are lacking in terms of satisfying the customers and how performance can be improved.

Benefits for Managers: Managers leave no stone unturned in the smooth functioning of the operations. They always strive to make their employees capable enough to handle the customers and provide them with the best solutions. Call monitoring software equip the managers and supervisors with a robust dashboard that showcases a complete overview of the calling performances of the agents.

The benefits of call tracking and monitoring for managers are mentioned below-

Opportunity to Recognize and Praise the Deserving Employees

By finding out the most hard-working and consistent performers, managers can acknowledge the sincere efforts made by the employees and let the top management people know about their contribution and dedication at the workplace. By doing this, managers can help the employees get the praise and recognition they deserve.

Make Data-Driven Decisions: On the basis of call monitoring data and performance metrics, managers can make data-driven decisions and march ahead with changes that positively impact agent performance as well as customer satisfaction.

Compliance & Policy Adherence: Managers can track and monitor employee call logs in order to make sure that active employees are adhering to legal as well as regulatory requirements and are strictly following the policies of the company. It helps maintain compliance with industry standards, data protection, as well as ethical guidelines.

Targeted Training Programs: By evaluating the performance meter and call analytics, managers will come across zones where employees need to get the right training. Managers can ascertain the strong and weak areas of their employees, and thereafter, they can conduct targeted training programs in order to bring improvement in the skills of their employees.

Employee Retention: It’s disheartening that you as a manager devote a lot of time to improving the performance of your resources, and when they gain enough knowledge and experience, they leave either due to lack of opportunities and growth or when they didn’t get the recognition and appreciation. By tracking employee call monitoring and performance evaluation, a manager can help the employees bring the necessary changes and upgrade their skillset as per the industry requirements. It will increase the value of the employees, and the chances of their retention will also increase.

Tracking of Employee Call Logs & Call Monitoring Benefits for Employees

Tracking employee call logs is a time-tasking process. However, with the right use of smart call management techniques, tracking is made easy.

The call monitoring benefits for employees are mentioned below- 

Scope of Improvement and Growth: As the strengths and weaknesses of employees can be determined and required solutions can be provided to them with the help of call tracking software, there is enough scope for their improvement and growth. It will establish a culture of consistent improvement in the company.

Recognition Bells will be ringing: Yes, you got it right. By implementing the growth-oriented call monitoring software at work, the real-time performance of employees can be tracked, and the productive ones will earn recognition from their managers.

Development in Communication and Problem-solving Capability: This tool is beneficial in analyzing the communication skills and problem-solving abilities of the current workforce, and thus, managers and supervisors can devise certain strategies that will help in enhancing the skills of the employees and boost their problem-solving potential.

The Peak Point of Job Satisfaction: Employees are in the happiest space when they find that their manager is working on their skill development and also suggesting the changes required for their career advancement.

Conflict Resolution: By tracking employee call logs and reviewing the calls, managers may come across the misunderstandings or conflicts that usually take place during customer interactions, assisting employees in getting the issues resolved easily.

Does Call Monitoring and Tracking Hamper the Privacy Rights of the Employees?

It is mentioned in the Article 21 of the Indian Constitution that privacy is a fundamental right, but that’s not an absolute right & it “may be legally restricted for the prevention of crime, disorder, or health protection, or even the protection of other’s rights and freedom. “  

When it comes to employee monitoring and tracking, this principle serves as the fundamental one. At the workplace, employees can’t think of complete privacy. The company has the authority to monitor their employees due to numerous reasons, such as analyzing the performance of their employees, safeguarding sensitive data and information of the company, etc.

An employer has the right to know what the employees are doing during working hours and how productive they are. At the time of monitoring employee call logs, you must set certain standards to respect the privacy of the employees. Also, you must let your employees know that they are being monitored, and it will eventually benefit them in terms of enhancing their skills and solving complex issues at the workplace. Furthermore, make them familiar with the storage and usage of data. It is crucial for organizations to conduct a thorough analysis of the call monitoring and tracking tool they are using. Since you share your significant data with the companies that provide call monitoring services, comprehending their privacy policy becomes extremely important.

For instance, Closecall is a smart business call management tool that ensures sensitive data protection by implementing globally accepted technological standards, technical security, managerial security, as well as physical security in order to prevent the loss, alteration, or misuse of personally identifiable information. Closecall has a client base of 20K users due to its efficient call tracking mechanism and live monitoring assistance. It provides a complete solution pertaining to monitoring and tracking employee call logs without hampering the Right to Privacy.

How to Monitor Employee Calls with the Help of Closecall?

Closecall has emerged as the most reliable, productive, and business-friendly tool for call monitoring of employees. It equips you with a central dashboard from where you can get enough insights about the call history and other details related to the calls.

Given below are the three steps that you can follow in order to use Closecall on your Smartphone-

1- Install the Monitoring App from the Play Store on the employee’s Phone: Closecall app is available on the Play Store. In order to download the application, click on the link given below-

2- It’s time for Synchronisation! : After installing the app, Closecall will collect the basic details from you. The basic details entail Name, mobile number, etc. After providing the details, Closecall will synchronise the phone number of the employees with the cloud function.

3- Get Useful Reports: You can generate insightful reports in order to monitor and track employee call logs, all thanks to the robust central dashboard.

Special Features of Closecall App 

Intuitive Dashboard: The central, robust dashboard in Closecall app assists in call management. It exhibits total calls, incoming calls, missed calls, not responding calls, etc.

Special Features of Closecall App

Call Analytics: The Call duration in seconds and call log activity in months can be checked by using the app.

Call Analytics

Daily Activity: In the central dashboard, you will find a segment of daily activity. It exhibits the name of the employees along with the employee code, incoming and outgoing call duration, and much more.

Periodic Reports: The periodic reports give an in-depth analysis of the total call duration.

Live Monitoring Feature: Live monitoring function is an effective feature to track working hours spent on every project, and all the employees can be monitored in real time.

Live Monitoring

App Usage Reports: It presents a report of the numerous apps such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, YouTube, and other apps used by the employees.

The Final Words: Employers can monitor employee call logs as per the Central and State governments. There is nothing unethical or against the law in doing the same. However, this monitoring must take place during working hours and only on the devices provided by the companies. They can’t install this app on the personal phones of the employees. Furthermore, keeping a transparent approach and letting the employees know that their performance is being constantly monitored will be a good thing. Making an investment in the right call monitoring software is important. The call monitoring system under the roof of Closecall is super-efficient and simply the best tool for tracking employee call logs.

Reach out to our Closecall team if you are looking for a smart business call monitoring software that can heighten your business to new skies by improving the employees’ productivity.

Read Our Article: Call Tracking System: Introduction, Importance & Factors to Consider

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